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Thursday 8 November 2012

Hector Dolphin


In New Zealand the Hector Dolphin can be found commonly in the South Island although in the North Island they are quite rare. The reason why the are rarer in the North Island is due to fishing nets. I find this quite strange because more Hector Dolphins die due to these nets rather than predators(they are also killed by boats crashes and pollution. In the North island Hector Dolphins are called by the Maori name. This is the Maui Dolphin. 

Hector Dolphins stay close to land if a Hector Dolphin is seen it usually about 30 km from land (max) they also never go deeper than 100m. They stay very high because they are an air breathing animal. In the sea there is oxygen but not enough to survive on.

Hector dolphins usually swim in groups of up to 12. Their social groups are a bit like the ones we humans have. They create strong friendships and through these relationships are created. Males are known to mate between ages of 5-9 while females are only 7-9. It then takes 10-12 months for a baby to arrive. This will usually happen during spring or late summer.


  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hector's_dolphin
  • http://www.forestandbird.org.nz/what-we-do/campaigns/havens-hectors/hectors-dolphin-factsheet
  • http://www.kedgley.school.nz/Kedgley/animalsite/Conservation%20Fact%20Sheets/DOCS/1/hectorsdolphin.htm
  • http://www.dolphins-world.com/Hectors_Dolphin.html

1 comment:

  1. How do I know this is a valid/true information???
