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Wednesday 14 November 2012

Hector Dolphin


Some of the key adaptions of the Hector Dolphins are:
  • Is that they have curved fin/tail. This is something they have adapted to help them be able to come up for air eaily. Since Hector Dolphins are air breathers this is a key adaption.
  • Secondly the fact that Hector Dolphins travel in groups its easier to work. For example since a dolphin has a rather intellegent brain, Hector Dolhphins have things such as warning systems and escape plans. They also have hunting plans but these are usually not requied because of the large amount of food theu can have.
  • Hector Dolphins are quite friendly to humans. Ecologist have assumed and also proven they have befriended us because they have realized that some of us are accidentally killing them off. They must believe that if they befriend us that w will stop killing them. Although so far this therory has made no progress because other ecologist have proven that it is normal for a Hector Dolphin to be very kind.
These adaptions would of come through the Hector Dolphins learning how to use them. For example  the fin/tail. They would of started using this more often and becoming smarter at using it. So the tail/fin has evoulosinised because the Hector Dolphin has to be able dive down quickly and resurface in time to breathe. The Hector Dolphin hasn't made many key adaptions but it has still made some small adaptions to help survival.


Sunday 11 November 2012

Hector Dolphin

Food Webs

A hector dolphin doesn't feed on a wide variety of food this is due to limited depth they can travel. Hector dolphin usually feed on small fish but they have also been known to consume squid and mollusks. Even though Hector Dolphins deaths aren't usually caused by predators there are still a few Hector Dolphins killed by predators. The main predators are the sevengill and blue sharks.Although humans also consume fish which as I have mentioned is one of the main food for the Hector Dolphins. Since I am already creating a food web I should mention that fish can either consume other smaller fish while others are bottom feeders who may feed on plankton, insects etc.

Here is a Food Web it sorry for not including all of the animals.
The predators that feed on the Hector Dolphin do not only feed on them. In fact for one of these predators to eat a Hector Dolphin is so rare that if the Hector dolphin were to die off then it would have no major effect. Also if the Hector Dolphin was extinct it would have no major effect on its prey. The food the Hector Dolphin feeds on is commonly consumed by other animals that it would still stay around the same population 

Thursday 8 November 2012

Hector Dolphin

Endangered In New Zealand

As stated in habitat the Hector dolphin's mean threat is fishing nets. To be more precise they are usually caught by Gill nets this is because they are made of lightweight mono-filament. This is undetectable by dolphins, when they are caught in it they are known to drown because they are air-breathers. I still find this strange because I thought there would be a ban on these nets fortunately they were banned but only within 10 km from land.Since the Hector Dolphin is the smallest dolphin in the world it's not that exposed to predators. Its only l.2 to 1.6 meters long.

The ban of gill nets within the range was introduced in 2008 by Helen Clarke. I still believe that this range is not enough the ban should proceed to have no limit in distance but only in areas where Hector Dolphins are commonly found. This means fisherman may have to move or go to different spots but this is necessary because Hector Dolphins will soon become extinct. This is something we could do to save the Hector Dolphin.


Hector Dolphin


In New Zealand the Hector Dolphin can be found commonly in the South Island although in the North Island they are quite rare. The reason why the are rarer in the North Island is due to fishing nets. I find this quite strange because more Hector Dolphins die due to these nets rather than predators(they are also killed by boats crashes and pollution. In the North island Hector Dolphins are called by the Maori name. This is the Maui Dolphin. 

Hector Dolphins stay close to land if a Hector Dolphin is seen it usually about 30 km from land (max) they also never go deeper than 100m. They stay very high because they are an air breathing animal. In the sea there is oxygen but not enough to survive on.

Hector dolphins usually swim in groups of up to 12. Their social groups are a bit like the ones we humans have. They create strong friendships and through these relationships are created. Males are known to mate between ages of 5-9 while females are only 7-9. It then takes 10-12 months for a baby to arrive. This will usually happen during spring or late summer.


  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hector's_dolphin
  • http://www.forestandbird.org.nz/what-we-do/campaigns/havens-hectors/hectors-dolphin-factsheet
  • http://www.kedgley.school.nz/Kedgley/animalsite/Conservation%20Fact%20Sheets/DOCS/1/hectorsdolphin.htm
  • http://www.dolphins-world.com/Hectors_Dolphin.html